Steady, uneven progress at UN climate talks; more urgency needed
The UN climate negotiations ended in Bonn on 10 May on an optimistic note. An extra round of negotiations scheduled for Bangkok in September will provide a further opportunity for resolution of sticky issues, such as finance and enhancing ambition, before the political decision-making round scheduled for December in Katowice.WWF Head of Delegation Mark Lutes, said: “We have seen steady, if uneven, progress in the negotiations. Pieces are falling in place for the full implementation of the Paris Agreement. This is evident both with the rules, and closing the emissions gap. But finance is key to getting a good outcome in Katowice. Meeting the $100 billion commitment and getting a signal by COP24 for more money for the Green Climate Fund will be vital for more ambitious climate plans by 2020.”
COP24 is a key moment for securing the full implementation of the Paris Agreement. “Political leadership must take a more hands on role from now until COP24 if there is to be tangible progress on finance, increasing ambition and differentiation,” he said.
On specific issues,
- There has been some progress in developing text (the basis for negotiations) for the rules for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Countries must ensure substantial progress on sticky issues when they meet again in Bangkok.
- The Talanoa Dialogue created a spirit of cooperation and showcased many opportunities countries have to increase their efforts to reduce emissions. Keeping the momentum generated by this should be among the priorities for COP24.
- Climate action before 2020, evidenced by the signing on to the 2nd Commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (KP2), is slow. Entry into force will send a strong signal for enhanced climate action. Eritrea tabled its instruments of ratification on 3 May, becoming the latest country to do so. At least 32 more countries are needed to ratify the agreement if it is to enter into force by COP24. WWF urges all countries to act with urgency on this matter.
- Finance for losses suffered as a result of climate impacts remains unresolved, and COP24 must give a clear mandate to countries on this issue.
Notes for Editors
- COP24 takes place in Katowice, Poland in from 3-14 December this year.
- An extra negotiation session has been announced for Bangkok from 3-8 September this year.
Notes for Editors
- COP24 takes place in Katowice, Poland in from 3-14 December this year.
- An extra negotiation session has been announced for Bangkok from 3-8 September this year.
For further information, contact: Mandy Jean Woods