Global Youth Volunteer & Internship Programme

You want to save the planet? 
You're young and you've got a brain. Added to this, you've got a passion for the planet. All you need is the opportunity. WWF is running a global volunteer programme for a select number of young people.

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National internship programme

Internships are designed for students about to graduate and/or young graduates with little or no working experience for the purpose of providing them with exposure to and learning opportunities within a work environment. 
While Internships provide the organization with additional workforce, they first and foremost create the obligation to provide young people at the beginning of their career with an opportunity to gain experience. As such, the hosting department/programme should have the capacity to guide, advise and coach interns throughout their assignment to the organization. 
Interns need to come into their role from a relevant field of study/work for the assignment they are being posted to. WWF CARPO engages interns that are recruited from recognized institutions (such as Universities, Professional schools, government programs) with whom a partnership is established. 
Internships are generally agreed in a three party agreement between the intern, the partner institution, and WWF CARPO.


WWF CARPO distinguishes three categories of internships:
Academic internship 
Typically during studies, academic internships are designed for students who undertake a research study or practice semester during their curriculum.
Professional internship 
This type of internship Programme is designed for young graduates from CARPO countries interested in building a career, allowing them to gain direct exposure and acquire practical, hands-on experience in an organization.
Professional internship Graduate Employment programme-National Employment fund 
This type of internship is also designed for young graduates and is supported by a state Programme for employment. Duration: One year.

Interns Testimonies

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Valéry Fouda Effa
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Valérie Fouda est Diplômé d’un Master en Gestion des Ressources Humaines de l’Université Catholique D’Afrique Centrale (UCAC) depuis 2010. Son parcours professionnel a pris un autre volet entre Juin 2011 et Juin 2012 période au cours de laquelle il a servi en tant que stagiaire.
 « Le stage m’a permis de compléter ma formation académique. Il s’agissait de ma première vraie expérience en entreprise et j’ai ainsi eu l’occasion de confronter les théories RH apprises à l’université avec les pratiques sur le terrain. Cela a renforcé mes connaissances dans le domaine et a été déterminant pour la suite de mon parcours professionnel ». Confirme-t-il.

 Ce qui ma marquer durant cette période c’est l’aspect multiculturel de l’organisation. Au bureau, nous avions plusieurs nationalités qui collaboraient : France, Belgique, Pays Bas, USA, Irlande, Angleterre, Cameroun, Gabon, Cote d’ivoire, Congo RDC, Ethiopie. Travailler quotidiennement dans une équipe multiculturelle m’a enrichi aussi bien sur le plan professionnel que personnel, notamment en me permettant d’élargir mon ouverture d’esprit avec de nouvelles approches. »

 Depuis son départ du WWF, Valérie est Responsable de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines de RAZEL-BEC pour le Cameroun. Il s’agit d’un groupe industriel français spécialisé dans les BTP (terrassements, génie civil, travaux souterrains, travaux routiers et travaux spéciaux).