WWF and GIZ partner for REDD+ feasibility studies in Cameroon

Posted on 01 November 2017
WWF and GIZ signing agreement
© Fidelis Manga/WWF
WWF and the German Technical Cooperation, GiZ, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to carry out feasibility studies on Reduction of Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) in the Southwest Region of Cameroon. Dr. Hanson Njiforti, Country Director for WWF Cameroon and Dr. Michaela Braun, GiZ representative in charge of the Support Program for the Development of the Rural Sector, signed the MoU recently in Yaoundé.

Speaking after the signing ceremony, both representatives underscored the importance of working hand in glove to fight climate change. “We feel the impact of climate change in Cameroon today,” says Dr. Braun. “As partners, we need to synergize to avoid duplication and parallel actions and to optimize the use of our resources,” she adds. Both organizations have a long-standing relationship. They have been working in the domain of conservation and environmental protection for the past two decades.

According to Dr. Hanson Njiforti, the MoU reinforces the determination of both organizations to federate action against climate change. “A lot of landslides have occurred in the South West and West Regions of Cameroon recently. There is still a lot of risk and this is linked to the way we exploit the forest,” Dr. Njiforti says. “REDD+ will help us protect biodiversity and ensure sustainable development,” he adds.

The Government of Cameroon has been actively involved in the global effort to reduce deforestation and forest degradation and to promote conservation, sustainable management of forests, the enhancement of forest carbon sinks (REDD+) and improvement of human wellbeing since 2005. The representative of Cameroon’s Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development at the ceremony, Dr. Valentin Wagnoun, said the partnership is in line with the Cameroon government’s effort to fight climate change. “GiZ and WWF are very important partners that provide significant support to the government in various domains.

Both organizations are accredited to the Green Climate Fund, which give them indirect access to funding,” Wagnoun said. WWF and GiZ will provide 50% each of the budget for the feasibility study. They will jointly recruit a consultant and ensure field supervision of the study. Both organizations will also coordinate presentation of the report at the national level.
WWF and GIZ signing agreement
© Fidelis Manga/WWF Enlarge
WWF Director and GIZ Representative exchange signed MoU
© Fidelis Manga/WWF Enlarge