WWF-RDC launches a campaign to promote the use of improved stoves in the city of Mbandaka (Equateur Province)

Posted on 16 December 2016
An improved stove made with the assistance of WWF
Mbandaka, 13th December 2016: The World Wide Fund for Nature has launched the campaign to promote the use of improved cooking stoves in the city of Mbandaka under the high patronage of his Excellency the Governor of Equateur Province, located in the northern part of the DRC. This latest was represented by the provincial Minister of Environment and sustainable development.
Political and administrative authorities together with civil society major players also attended the event along with local communities from the villages of Ngombe, Bikoro, Ntondo, Iyembe and Nioni.
Improved cooking stoves are braziers used by households that greatly contribute in reducing significantly the consumption of charcoal and offering a double benefit both for housekeeping and natural resources conservation.
WWF DRC National Director, Jean-Claude Muhindo, declared: “The use of this type of cooking stove with its reduced quantity of fuel consumption greatly contributes in forest resources conservation, complying with WWF mission that aims to create a future where humans live in harmony with the nature.
Disseminating and promoting the improved cooking stoves will offer significant support in reducing the pressure on forests in this part of the country and consequently contributing in the fight against deforestation and forest degradation.”
Fuelwood has been identified as one of the main causes of deforestation and forest degradation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The production of charcoal is by itself the third leading cause of deforestation and forest degradation in the new province of Equateur. Surveys carried out by WWF on fuelwood and cooking stoves in Mbandaka and surroundings have shown that nearly all the households using traditional stoves are willing to make the shift towards the use of improved cooking stoves with the benefit of firewood reduced consumption (up to 50%), comfort in the use and quick cooking.
First 500 improved cooking stoves manufactured by craftspeople from local surrounding villages and trained thanks to WWF DRC support have been displayed in the launch event in Mbandaka. WWF DRC is planning to disseminate and promote improved cooking stoves to drive their progressive adoption by local households.
WWF launched a similar initiative with improved cooking stoves production and promotion between 2007 and 2016 in the eastern DRC with key success stories amidst populations in the region and was rewarded with prestigious international environment prizes. 
It should be observed that this campaign is implemented through CAFEC (Central Africa Forest Ecosystem Conservation), with technical and financial support of USAID, CARPE and Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. Under this programme, particular attention is paid to climate change through the reduction of deforestation and forest degradation.
For more information, please contact:
  • Dandy Yela – WWF RDC Country Communication Manager  : +243 999964899, dyela@wwfdrc.org
  • Christian Mpassi – WWF RDC  Communication Officer: + 243 976006124, cmpassi@wwfdrc.org  
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 WWF is one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations, with over 5 million supporters and a global network active in over 100 countries. WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world's biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. Visit panda.org/news for latest news and media resources.
An improved stove made with the assistance of WWF
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